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Golf Tournament BWC Logo.png

Join us at the Beaufort Club on Saturday morning, November 9, 2024 for the Beaufort Woman's Club's Inaugural Golf Tournament - Swinging for Success - and help raise money  for scholarships for Carteret County public high school students. Profits from this event will fund scholarships for senior ladies at East Carteret, West Carteret, and Croatan high schools to continue their education beyond high school.


There are multiple ways to participate. Provide a sponsorship or form a team and enter to play. Or, do both for a discounted price!


Team entry fee is $100 per person ($400 per team) and includes green cart fees, lunch, and a goodie bag for each player. Payment options can be found below. Team member registration information should be entered separately here:


Sponsorship Opportunities:


Platinum Sponsor:     $1000  (Includes recognition on signage at registration table, hole sponsor signage, and banner)

Gold Sponsor:             $  500  (Includes recognition on signage at registration table, hole sponsor signage, and banner)

Hole Sponsor:             $  100  (Includes recognition on sign at one tee)

Team Entry & Hole Sponsor:  $475 (includes 4-person team entry and sign at one tee)


Questions? Contact Karen Hardesty at 252.504.8566 or


You may make a donation or pay team entry fees by mailing a check (preferred method) payable to Beaufort Woman's Club, P.O. Box 243, Beaufort NC 28516. Memo: Golf Tournament. Please include the following information with your check:

Sponsorship Info - Sponsor Name, Contact Name, Mailing Address, Phone #, Email Address, and name you would like to appear on the signage (Business Name, Individual Name, In Memory of, or in Honor of)

Player Registration - Include Name, Email Address, and Phone Number for all 4 members of the team (indicating who is Team Captain).




Pay online using one of the links below.


If you use the online payment method to pay a team entry fee, please remember to provide registration information for your team members at For Sponsorships, please email the Sponsor Info requested above to and indicate amount of donation.

Team Entry

(without Hole Sponsorship)


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Team Entry

(with Hole Sponsorship)


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Platinum Sponsor


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Gold Sponsor


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Hole Sponsor


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