It has been a fantastic year! I am so proud of what we have built and accomplished together. Our membership has more than doubled this year, and we have the momentum to grow again. We have made a difference in this community and had a lot of fun doing it!
We began the year with a new interactive website with an online membership directory. A big thank you to Shynar Johnson and Sharon Barfield. I began to Blog each month, giving all the members a recap and updates as they occurred. I also shared a bit of personal news!
September was our Welcome Back Social, offering delicious Mexican food, and games with a Football theme. Juliette Rogers from Partnership for Children spoke to the membership and took back many snack items for the kids.
October was our Halloween Costume event. I am still trying to figure out who was the Witch in the big black hat?
I would be remiss if I did not mention Marilyn Shupling and the outstanding job she has done growing our Flag business.
Our second event was Bunco, which was a success! Thanks to Karen Hardesty and Naomi Chappell for running that event without me. My husband’s health, and a family visit got in my way! Oh yes, my granddaughter Ellie was born too! We are so proud to be grandparents for the first time.
November was a well-attended business meeting with Elizabeth Farnsworth Grant sharing the history of the Red Cross. Martha Bell spoke briefly about Martha’s Missions. We generously collected canned-nonperishable food for this charity. A blood drive was set up also at Ann St. Methodist Church.
December was our Holiday Party at Karen Willis’ house. Delicious food and drink made for a lively evening. We even had a guest – shh... The slipper socks with all the goodies made such a hit at the nursing homes. Our little Elves did a wonderful job!
January was a business meeting featuring Taylor McCune from the Carteret Chamber of Commerce. Taylor outlined the new direction and leadership at the Chamber. We offered a $500 scholarship.
February brought Yoga fun and Heart Health information. We also enjoyed decorating carts, dressing up with masks, and participating in the town's Mardi Gras Celebration!
March brought lots of useful information from Liz Hubbard and the re-entry program.
The Art Competition was facilitated by Myra Thomas and was a "standing room only crowd!” The show was better this year with even more participants. The winners were given cash prizes. The culinary students from the high schools prepared and served all the food at the Carteret Community College Culinary Building.
We were participants in the League of Women Voters and History Museum event with other community-based groups.
The biggest event of the year was Casino Night which ”blew our expectations out of the water!” It was a PERFECT night – the food, the games, the silent auction, and the prizes were “out of this world!” A big thank you to Sharon Barfield, Phyllis Frye, Karen Hardesty, and the rest of the team for their excellent and tireless efforts. Our amazing donation to the Beaufort Boys and Girls Club of $20,000 was beyond all expectations!
April brought the EMS to us. We learned about at-home safety. We took home our red pocket cards, and everyone said we wanted them to come back.
In April we presented the $20,000 check to the Beaufort Boys and Girls Club with a celebration at the Beaufort Hotel. Officers and members of the Boys and Girls Club accepted the funds. A promise was made for more next year!
In May we had the Election of Officers with a complete slate approval the first time presented to the members. Tommy Bennett shared the evening telling us the history of Big Rock!
Here we are in June. I apologize for not getting this blog to you on the first of the month. My husband and I were vacationing in Ocracoke, Kitty Hawk and more. You must take the opportunities when they present themselves. We will share a nice dinner at the Blue Heron together. I hope you all see your new leaders inducted, the awards, and presentations to come on June 13th, 2024.
It has been my pleasure serving as your leader this year. You are a wonderful, giving community which I cherish. I will enjoy attending meetings, sitting with you, and discussing our trips, vacations, and grandchildren. I have complete faith in the new leadership team! I will be watching on the sidelines.